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Tear Troughs

Visit Dr. Hanson to restoring a fresh, youthful gaze with dermal fillers

Ideal For

refreshed look

Treatment Areas

The under-eye

Treatment Time

30 Minutes



Tear Troughs​

Visit Dr. Hanson to restoring a fresh, youthful gaze with dermal fillers

Ideal For

Refreshing the under-eyes

Treatment Areas

The under-eye

Treatment Time

10-15 Minutes



Welcome to Dr. Hanson’s Clinic, where we prioritise a natural approach to rejuvenating your appearance.

A common concern we address is tear trough hollowing – those persistent under-eye hollows that can make one look perpetually tired. Our tailored HA filler treatments offer a seamless solution to this, restoring a fresh, youthful gaze.

Rediscover the vibrant, youthful reflection you deserve. Reach out to Dr. Hanson’s Clinic to book your consultation and take the first step towards a refreshed, confident you.

Addressing tear troughs can be a transformative decision for individuals seeking a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. The tear troughs, located beneath the eyes, often show signs of ageing, fatigue, and genetics, manifesting as hollows or dark circles. By addressing tear troughs through various treatments such as dermal fillers or laser therapies, individuals can significantly reduce the appearance of tiredness and achieve a more youthful look. These procedures help restore volume, smooth out fine lines, and reduce the shadowing effect that can make one appear older or fatigued.    

Dermal fillers offer a highly effective solution for addressing tear troughs, providing immediate and noticeable improvements without the need for surgery. By injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers into the tear trough area, volume is restored, reducing the appearance of hollows and minimising dark circles. 

Dr Hanson Harley Street Skin Aesthetics Portrait

“It’s more than just a procedure - it’s an art form.”

– Dr. Hanson Yu, MBBS MSc MBCAM, qualified and licensed doctor under the esteemed General Medical Council

Dr Hanson Harley Street Skin Aesthetics Profhilo


At Dr. Hanson’s Clinic, every treatment journey begins with an in-depth consultation. We assess your facial anatomy, discuss your concerns, and devise a bespoke treatment plan.

With a deep understanding of facial aesthetics, our practitioners employ precise techniques, using a cannula to ensure a smooth, natural-looking enhancement.

Every step is taken to guarantee a comfortable experience, from the application of a numbing cream to gentle post-treatment massages.

We believe in holistic care. Post-treatment, we provide clear guidance to ensure you maintain and enjoy optimal results.


Most patients can continue with their day post-treatment. We do recommend avoiding vigorous activity for 24 hours.

Mild swelling or bruising might occur but will usually subside within a week.

Our HA filler results for the tear trough region generally last between 6 to 18 months, subject to individual variation.

Start your journey

Contact Dr. Hanson

Dr. Hanson is a highly qualified and licensed doctor under the esteemed General Medical Council. With his careful and graceful approach, Dr. Hanson skilfully restores the natural arcs and convexities of the face and body, leaving his patients with beautiful and natural-looking results.

The clinic in Harley Street, London, offers non-surgical aesthetic treatments that not only preserve youthfulness but also reverse the signs of ageing.

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